Why Would We Plate Beautiful Orchid Knobs with Nickel?

Our cabinet knobs are cast either in silicon bronze or 316 stainless steel and viewers will know that both are exceptionally durable rust resistant and quite beautiful alloys so why then would we opt to have an order of orchid knobs nickel plated?

Nickel is a metallic element and is one of the elements present in 316 stainless steel. Nickel has a silvery white appearance that is not dissimilar to stainless steel and when both are finished to a brushed satin luster the visual difference is minimal. Why then would we choose to nickel plate a bronze cabinet knob rather than cast it 316 stainless steel? The answer lies in the hardness of 316 steel which makes it a much more difficult alloy to machine and polish and in the subtle difference in appearance of nickel versus stainless steel.

The custom orchid cabinet pulls that have been described in earlier posts were cast in bronze which being a softer more malleable alloy allowed the nooks and crevices of these detailed pieces to be buffed and brushed to remove scratches and imperfections. If the pieces had been cast in 316 stainless steel the hardness of the steel would have made this process far more labor intensive. As the orchids are being installed in a room with several nickel fixtures, we opted to nickel plated so that the pieces would blend well.

F & H Plating is a valuable Los Angeles source and one well known in the interior design and jewelry industries for their gold, silver, nickel, and copper plating. Ron, the founder of F & H is a knowledgeable mine of information on plating techniques and his site describes the electroplating process. We were seeking a satin finish for our orchid pulls, so we buffed and refined the castings to give them a soft sheen. F & H then chemically cleaned the bronze orchids to remove any contaminants, gently re-buffed them back to their satin luster and dipped them in nickel solution which when electrically charged caused the nickel content to bond with the surface of the bronze. Once dried the pieces were very gently buffed to the desired luster and ready to install

Nickel electroplating is a useful process if you have a metal that is prone to rust as even a thin layer of nickel will improve the rust resistance of the base metal.

New Mercedes Benz Concept Car - influence of Sci-fi on Cars and Door handles

This post is a departure from my usual topics and a departure from my firmly held belief that all car designs are boring. Many of my friends wax lyrical about their favorite cars cooing over their neat fast back or spoiler but looked at through the eyes of an alien they would be indistinguishable as they all share a basic box on wheels format.

By comparison, the same alien would have little problem distinguishing one species of scarab from another each type and sub-type having marked variations in both shape, size and patterning. The same alien would hopefully also be able to distinguish between the different styles of door handle we make, and I am guessing would find something familiar in our Morphic collection of illuminated handles.


So, given my disdain for existing car models one can understand why my car loving girlfriend was astounded by my praise for the wonderful original style of the new Mercedes concept car. Inspired and designed by the folks who made the movie avatar, the sci-fi influence on this car come creature is obvious and explains why this car is both spectacular and unique. Alas, I am not able to include a photo of this work of art as to do would probably be a violation of copyright laws but I am able to share with you a link to a video of the car.

While we do not at present have an illuminated scarab sculpture we have had fun imagining how this could be created. Our existing existing scarab sculpture is very real weighing 10lbs and measuring 20"W x 15"D x 6"H

Dragonflies renew the life cycle

Almost a year has passed since we shared the photographs, we took of mating dragonflies filmed over the air space above our small pond and not surprisingly we are seeing the same event now. This time we were more prepared and were able to take a short video showing a female dropping down into the pond to deposit her eggs from her ovipositor. While we were not quick enough to video the 2 mating, we will be making this our goal for next year.

We were also able to photograph the blue dasher dragonfly who hopefully will be making an egg deposit to our pond. Both the red/orange flame skimmer and little blue dragonfly have the same 3 stage life cycle from egg to aquatic larva (nymph) and then to colorful adult. The flame skimmer has a longer life span living for up to 1 to three years as compared to the blue dasher’s maximum life span of 6 months. However, both species spend the larger part of their lives submerged in water as developing larva and it is here in their less attractive state that they grow on a diet of other insect larvae and some small fish. It is perhaps for this reason that the idea of fish-eating dragonflies developed since this behavior is common in the non-adult flame skimmer nymph.


We have mosquitofish in our pond who together with flame skimmers eat mosquito larva. The mosquitofish also eat dragonfly , so it seems only fair that they in turn are eaten by the dragonfly nymphs.

The dragonfly shown below from our collection of insect cabinet pulls was loosely based on the shape of the slimmer blue dasher but we have often used the muted brown red coloring of the female flame skimmer when coloring the pull using a hot pigmented oxide.

Door Handles For Yachts - 316 Stainless Steel Passivation versus Rust

In a previous post we analyzed the components of grades 304 and 316 stainless steel that make them rust resistant. Both contain chromium, and nickel and together these elements enable the outer surface of a casting to form a thin protective layer of chromium oxide that protects the lower surfaces and acts as a barrier to rust. However, only 316 stainless steel contains molybdenum which is a metal that specifically helps prevent rust caused by exposure to sea water or sodium chloride which is why this is the preferred steel for yachts and beach homes and why it is aptly described as marine grade stainless steel.
While 316 stainless steel in its production contains the necessary properties to prevent corrosion the thin nano thick protective film can be degraded and while the presence of nickel does help this layer self-heal and re-form the protective chromium oxide there may be occasions when the fixture will need to be treated.
Several years ago, we heard from a homeowner in Florida who reported that her 316 stainless steel handles was developing rust. On inspection we could see that sand and grease had adhered to the handle and it was these contaminants that were rusting. The handle itself was still sound and showed no structural decay, in other words, the steel was not actually rusting.

Morphic Entry Lever In 316 Stainless Steel Compare With Similar Handle After 10 Years In Image Below

Morphic Entry Lever In 316 Stainless Steel Compare With Similar Handle After 10 Years In Image Below

This type of surface contamination can also occur when the stainless steel is machined especially if there are iron based metals in close proximity.
In both cases the surface can be cleaned or “passivated” by being immersed in a citric acid solution which will remove most contaminants and allow the surface to self-heal by forming a new passive layer of chromium oxide. I strongly recommend that you do not do this yourself but find a reputable passivation company in your area.

Morphic Entry Lever With Blue Powder Coat 10 Years After Installation

Morphic Entry Lever With Blue Powder Coat 10 Years After Installation

Marine grade steel is not only durable, but it polishes well and can be enhanced by using different finishing techniques or by adding color through powder coating. Powder coating is a durable way to add color to any stainless-steel fixture especially if it intended for outdoor use.

Bronze handles a warm alternative for yachts and beach homes

We have previously discussed why 316 stainless steel is the preferred steel for marine environments, but bronze is an equally well-suited alloy and one that offers warmer tones.

I frequently am asked what alloy is rust resistant and will not change color. Stainless steel as its name underscores is the obvious answer as while silicon bronze is equally rust-resistant it will change over time as it’s “living” patina evolves.

 In 316 stainless steel the alloy’s color and durability are secured by its passive layer of chromium oxide which does not change the color of the metal and which does not change much over time as the chromium content enables the film to self- heal and re-create the oxide. A similar protective layer or layers develop on the surface of bronze through oxidation but the film continues to develop and new layers with different chemical components and different colors develop over time. This continuous changing oxidation occurs naturally and the thicker the patina the more the lower layers off copper are protected.  This oxidation should not be confused with rust which is a corrosive oxidation made when iron and oxygen combine to form iron oxide. Rust eats away at the upper surface and as this flakes off the lower layers of iron are exposed to oxygen and the process repeats itself with successive layers of iron degrading into flaky rust.

Left: living patina on Hedgerow Bronze Lever after 8 years Right: Polished bronze with light patina and sealed

Left: living patina on Hedgerow Bronze Lever after 8 years Right: Polished bronze with light patina and sealed


Bronze is an alloy formed with copper which is the main metal and one that is rust resistant.

Our handles are cast in silicon bronze and the silicon element strengthens the copper and enhances its corrosion resistance. Silicon bronze is a particularly good at resisting the corrosive effects of sodium chloride or seawater.


Silicon bronze will oxidize in different ways and produce different colored oxides depending on the composition of the air and water in the environment. The more acidic the air the more accelerated the oxidation process will be but as we can see from historical buildings and ancient artefacts this patination process should not be mistaken as metal corrosion or decay but seen as a successive build-up of layers of patina.

Vine Cabinet Pull the Patinas were Created By Applying Liquid Sulfides and Oxides to Hot Bronze

Vine Cabinet Pull the Patinas were Created By Applying Liquid Sulfides and Oxides to Hot Bronze


The air is made up of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and depending on your location varying levels of sulfur, ammonium and phosphorous, the latter being by-products and pollutants associated with high density farming and industrial manufacturing. When these combine with water or each other they produce oxides and sulfides that produce different patinas on the bronze surface


We replicate these environmental patinas with our light and dark brown finishes and blue green and red patinas by immersing our castings in chemical solutions of ammonium and sulfur for black and redder tones and cupric sulfate and acetic acid for blue green tones. We then seal the patina either with a coat of oil, wax, lacquer or with a more durable enamel layer which is baked onto the patina. The sealants slow the rate of future patination to varying degrees.


Marine Grade Door Handles for Beach Properties - Part 1

If you live at the beach or own a yacht you are probably aware of the corrosive effects of salt air and sea water that can eat away at iron causing it to rust and degrade. What causes this to happen and what metals should door handles be made from to avoid this fate?

Our door handles and cabinet pulls are cast either in silicon bronze or 316 stainless steel and both are good choices for ocean or beach environments as they both oxidize in a good way.

To understand corrosion we first need to analyze the alloys that make up stainless steel and bronze.

Stainless Steel

Describes a family of metal alloys the base or main alloy being iron. The other important components are carbon, chromium, nickel and molybdenum and the last 3 make 316 stainless steel corrosion resistant.

Water causes iron to rust by combining with carbon dioxide in the air to produce corrosive carbonic acid which as it dissolves the iron creates a layer of iron oxide or rust.
Stainless steel contains the metal chromium which when exposed to oxygen in the air becomes unstable and combines with the oxygen to produce a thin protective film of chromium oxide. The film is passive and does not harm the metal but forms a tight film that clings to the surface effectively sealing it. The thin layer of chromium oxide adheres to the surface forming an almost impenetrable film that prevents harmful iron oxidation from occurring.

The Nickel component plays a supporting role and it enables the chromium oxide to rebuild and self-heal if it is damaged, it helps the chromium rebind with oxygen to create more protective chromium oxide.

While 304 and 316 grades of stainless steel contain chromium and nickel only 316 contains molybdenum a metal that is particularly effective at preventing corrosion caused by sodium chloride that is present in sea water. The salt content of water speeds up the corrosive effect of carbonic acid and molybdenum seems to slow this process down thereby helping prevent corrosion.

We make our Ergo and Morphic door handles in 316 stainless steel, the alloy is more expensive and harder to machine and finish than other grades but it’s superior corrosion resistance justifies the price tag.

Thumb-latches and mortise locks - continued discussion

In the previous post we used a photograph of a mortise lock to identify and name the locks components which we will describe here in more detail.
The turn piece, deadbolt, and keyed cylinder act together to lock the door. When the key is turned inside the cylinder one clockwise turn will unlock and retract the deadbolt and conversely one anti-clockwise turn will throw the bolt. The key can also be used to retract the latch and open the door by being turned one more click clockwise. This sophisticated mechanism is useful when you have a bag of groceries as you can unlock and open the door with the key and simply pull the door open all with just one hand.
The turn piece has one function only to release or throw the deadbolt and if you are on the inside of the door with that same bag of groceries you will definitely need another hand to press down on the thumb latch or lever to open the door by retracting the latch.

In a similar way the thumb latch on the outside of the door and the corresponding thumb latch or lever on the inside of the door act together with the latch mechanism to open and close the door. Our Hedgerow entry sets are available either as thumb latch to lever sets or thumb latch to thumb latch and Accurate makes specific models for each configuration.

We use the Accurate mortise lock because it is a superior lock and made in the US. We also like the custom configurations that Accurate offer such as their disk insert mortise which is better suited to our more fluid and artistic trim designs. Our Willow and Hedgerow levers have branches and leaves that curve upwards bringing the lever closer to the turn piece. To prevent ones knuckles from colliding with the turn piece Accurate make a disk insert that allows the turn piece to be installed higher in the lock body.

Note How The Disk Insert Creates an Alternative Higher Positioned Port For The Turn Piece

Note How The Disk Insert Creates an Alternative Higher Positioned Port For The Turn Piece

Thumb-latches and mortise locks discussed using a Willow Entry Set Example

 The Willow entry sets are configured for use with a mortise lock and keyed cylinder deadbolt. Why are these sets not configured for use with a less expensive tubular latch is a question we are often asked and will try to answer in this post.

 First point to make is that we only use Accurate’ s mortise lock which is made here in the US by a company that has been making superior locks for over 50 years. The lock is a complex 4lb mechanism contained in a robust 4” x 6” x ¾” case that sits inside the door and acts as a highly effective security barrier.

 The mortise lock has a series of portals that allow the lock to perform multiple functions.The picture below shows the deadbolt, latch, and toggle .

Mortice face 2.jpg

When the key is turned inside the cylinder it throws the deadbolt into the strike in the door jamb thereby locking the door.

The latch keeps the door closed and it is operated by the thumb latch which when depressed retracts the latch and when released throws the latch, the same task would be performed by a lever if the Willow thumb latch and lever combination were used. When the mortise lock is supplied the configuration of latch to latch or latch to lever needs to be specified so that the lock interior is built correctly.
The toggle acts as a second locking mechanism and one that works independently of the deadbolt. The toggle when pushed inward releases a mechanism that prevents the latch from locking. This allows the door to remain closed but not locked allowing guests to open the door without a key being needed. If the toggle is placed into a flush position it will throw the latch thereby locking the door without activating the deadbolt.

Int andExt.jpg

In a subsequent post we will explain the other functions this clever lock performs.


Nesting Birds and Their Noisy Ways

While our lives may have been disrupted by the corona virus, this has not impacted our local bird life and our neighborhood is very much alive with the sounds of squabbling and aggressive birds. Mockingbirds have made a nest in the bougainvillea bush in our neighbors garden and the parents are feeding their young with petals from our guava tree and battling and haranguing any potential predators that come too close to their young chicks. The predators who pose a threat include squirrels and cats who despite their claws and size are no match for the mockingbird bombers who dive and peck them ceaselessly.

Alert Parent of young Mocking Bird chicks on guard for predators

Alert Parent of young Mocking Bird chicks on guard for predators

These admirable parenting qualities are not limited to the mocking birds and a pair of scrub jays, thankfully nesting in a different tree, spend large amounts of time battling and diving at crows, ravens and the occasional Cooper’s hawk who are local habitants of the Hollywood Hills.
We have lived in the hills for many years but never grow tired of the local bird population which continues to inspire our work. What is still remarkable is the incredible variety of bird life that we see and hear, and which vary with the season’s migratory paths. The beautiful oriels with their orange chests have arrived as have the rufous hummingbirds and both compete for the sugary solution of our bird feeder. To accommodate the oriels larger and wider beak we have removed some of the artificial flowers on the feeder which occasionally results in the odd bee finding its way inside.

Juvenile Mocking Bird Learning the Value of Guava Flowers

Juvenile Mocking Bird Learning the Value of Guava Flowers

If you are searching for an unusual bird cabinet pull or possible a jay door handle then you may want to visit these pages on our site.

Creative Use of Door Handles - In the Company of Art and Design

Carol Salb and Stacy Welch of Reddington Designs recently shared photos of a cabinet they designed using our Ergo door handles but with very original positioning.
The Ergo series, as it’s name suggests, focuses on functional shapes that are easy to grip and we hope pleasing to touch. To achieve an ergonomic shape we appreciate that left handed and right handed people will grip a pull differently. As a committed lefty who has spent many years coping with the challenges of a right hand world I was the ideal subject for Martin’s Ergo designs.

Andy Warhol’s Goethe Screen-prints - cabinet design and photo courtesy of Reddington Designs all rights reserved

Andy Warhol’s Goethe Screen-prints - cabinet design and photo courtesy of Reddington Designs all rights reserved

We knew from Stacy and Carol that the Ergo handles needed to be customized in depth so that they projected less from the surface of the cabinet doors. What we didn’t realize is how they would re-position the handles to create a wonderfully fluid and visually interesting cabinet.
While the “handing” of each pull did not change the pulls were inverted but still retained their ergonomic design.

The cabinet was designed by Carol and Stacy and made by Ayr Cabinets using a custom stain over rift oak. The piece has a lovely unorthodoxy and it’s upwards movement seems to defy gravity making it a perfect design for the pop-up TV it houses. The Ergo handles were originally designed as entry door handles but in the hands of a talented designer they can work equally well as cabinet door pulls.
The cabinet sits below 3 of Andy Warhol’s Goethe prints, a series based on the iconic painting of Goethe by Johann Tischbein.

Custom steel handles,modern entry pulls,contemporary door pulls,custom door pulls,unusual door pulls,Andy Warhol’s Goethe

Taking A Break in the Hollywood Hills - Ways to Re-charge Your Batteries

Don’t be misled by the title as there is noting in this post remotely like practical advise on how to re-charge that battery for your power drill or other electric tool. Instead we spent an overcast May Gray day (not to be confused with Inspector Maigret created by Georges Simenon) on a trail that runs from Durand to Mulholland re-charging our inspirational reserves. Tourists be warned there is no access to the Hollywood sign which if you look closely you can see peering through the marine layer or pedestrian access to Mulholland West.

The overcast sky made the morning refreshingly cool and the Coronavirus gave us time to take a few shots of some of the local birds that were more conspicuous and easier to hear without the throng of tourists.

Flowering Broom

Flowering Broom

We were treated to both the sight and sound of a Chipping Sparrow perched on a shrub and while we were unable to capture his rust red top we were able to capture his profile as he took off. This family of sparrow is very common in Los Angeles and their tame nature makes them easy to spot.

Broom plants and soft fountain grasses have taken hold on this trail making a great foreground to Castillo del Lago, home in the 1930’s to the renowned gangster Bugsy Siegel and in the late 1990’s to Madonna.

Tame and Easy to Spot the Chipping Sparrow’s Head Has A Rust-Red TopSee how birds have inspired our cabinet pull designs

Tame and Easy to Spot the Chipping Sparrow’s Head Has A Rust-Red Top

See how birds have inspired our cabinet pull designs

Castillo del Lago.jpg

See how other hikes have inspired our cabinet hardware page

Making A Custom Cabinet Pull from Wax to Bronze

Following on from last week’s post I will be showing how we tackle the task of changing the direction of an orchid cabinet pull from left to right. Down-stream we will be making a new mold that will allow us to create a right facing orchid stem directly from the mold with each wax section emerging from the mold as a component for a right facing pull. Until demand warrants the time and cost of making a permanent mold we will need to re-work the stem and flower sections at the wax stage to create a new right pull. This process will be repeated for each pull ordered and as we have 8 pulls to make with each pull requiring 3 wax sections, we will be investing a considerable amount of time modelling by hand all 24 wax sections. The waxes will then be shelled with silica and eventually will be melted out in an autoclave and fired to create a hollow shell which will be invested with molten bronze. The wax that is burnt out is the reason this casting method is often referred to as “lost wax” casting. Rather than making wax replicas one could map the original left pattern to create a file for a right pull and then print each section or possibly the complete piece as a 3D print. To create the print, successive layers of photo-reactive resin are built up and allowed to solidify, a process that would also take hours. Given the extremely detailed nature of the pull the 3D print would still require some cleaning up before it could be shelled, making it a less viable method of production.

Left to Right: Flower 2 parts, Assembled in wax, Front View, Profile View

In Photoshop it is easy using the edit function to flip an image horizontally so that it is shown as the mirror opposite and so change a left directional piece to a right in directional one. However, in the real 3D world this would not work and in the case of the orchid stem rotating the pull right would result in the 2 flower heads facing down making for an upside- down pull. To achieve a right facing pull the curve of the sprig as well as the flower heads and buds need to be cut and re-positioned.

Orchid Components - left facing buds and flowers re-positioned and shaped to become right facing

Orchid Components - left facing buds and flowers re-positioned and shaped to become right facing

Orchid Cabinet Pulls and Custom Variations

Orchid Cabinet Pulls custom variations

Our kitchen is home to a couple of orchid plants and the beautiful yellow Phalaenopsis is currently blooming. Like many, we find ourselves in awe at the incredible beauty and variety of this amazing family of plants and love to see them in their natural setting as was the case when we hiked in the mountains above Hanalei Bay during our trip to Kauai in September 2016.
This wonderful orchid was the model for both the spray orchid pull as well as the single orchid knob. Coincidentally we are being commissioned to adapt the spray so that it can be used with a more pronounced direction to act as a left or right pull and so that it can also be used vertically as a door pull.

Orchid in Nature and nickel.jpg

While we may later decide to make 2 new patterns so that 2 permanent molds can be made for future castings, at this point we have decided to adapt each wax and will make the requisite number of left and right facing pieces and vertical pieces that will be then shelled and invested with bronze. The final pieces will be nickel plated to compliment the décor of the kitchen.
The flower section of the spray was designed to face upward making the pull horizontal and perfect for use as a drawer pull. Drawers unlike doors are not typically thought of in terms of their handing but we decided for this custom order to make a new pull that was the mirror image of the original which would result in a new right facing pull. The “handing” of the pull in this case is an aesthetic decision based on the direction of the stem and it’s buds and what appears most natural. In the image below we have marked the direction and handing for all 4 pieces.

Inspiring Entry Door - Bee Door Knobs and Insect Art

Choosing the right doorknob for our new insect paneled entry door was not a difficult task as we have 4 styles of animal and reptile to choose from. The carnivorous lizard would have been an obvious choice but as he occupies center stage on our entry gate, we decided to opt for the bumble bee knob.
The bumble bee is cast in bronze and we finished this set with a dark oil rubbed patina which plays well with both the red and black colors of our entry door. To accentuate the bees round abdomen and eyes and to highlight the ridges on the honeycomb back plate we lightened these sections for contrast.

bee door knob .jpg

The honeycomb back-plate can function as both an escutcheon for the bee knob or as trim that can be used to house a keyed cylinder. The bee knob when turned activates a latch that opens the door and when released keeps the door closed. The honeycomb is machined to take a spindle that passes through the port of the latch to activate the latch and to keep the knobs firmly attached to each other.

The honey comb for the keyed cylinder is machined on the outside with a large 1 3/8” hole to house the keyed cylinder and on the inside with a small ½” to house the turn piece that enables the door to be locked or unlocked from the inside. If you study the photo of the inside trim you will notice that the turn piece is styled on a small cockchafer beetle.

Our entry door took several weeks to create and our posts document how the panels were created so if you want to turn one of your doors into a gallery of bird, animal or flower paintings then please do read our earlier posts of japanning and gold leafing. Needless to say there is no limit to the subject matter for decorative panels, so harness your imagination and create something fabulous.

Japanned Gold Leaf Panels with Bumble Bee Knob

Japanned Gold Leaf Panels with Bumble Bee Knob

Candlesticks our new designs take shape

These taxing times, as many have commented, provide a respite from intense commerce and we are using this time to develop new pieces. The focus on shopping on line has become central to many businesses and we are adapting to this new reality by gradually and tentatively planning which pieces are suitable for e-commerce. Door handles are not the easiest product to sell on line as a dialogue first needs to occur so that the customer understands door terminology e.g. handing, back-set, so that the handle set can be configured to the customer’s door specifications.
So, we have begun our e-commerce field work with candlesticks which in the coming months you will be able to order on line. Our first candlestick is based on the Echeveria Lola succulent that we planted in our drought tolerant garden in August of 2015. While practical needs have influenced our artistic interpretation, the sculptures still capture the geometric and pointed shape of the leaves that define this garden plant.

When this succulent reaches maturity she launches a flower on the end of a long shoot that attracts many bees, hover flies and small insects. We plan to incorporate these small insects into our new candlesticks as decorative features on the stems and leaves and have been sketching ideas for possible bugs whose scale and shape are fitting. One central addition is a frog which is slightly smaller in size than our existing frog cabinet pull and which we are planning to patina with the red and black markings that distinguish the South American poisonous tree frog.

insects for candlesticks.jpg

The new pieces will be available in varying sizes with different stem lengths making it possible to cluster several together to form a center piece or position as individual candlesticks.

Black Crested Red Whiskered Bulbul

With more time to walk we are able to see more Bulbuls in the Hollywood hills and have managed to photograph several.
We first encountered this petite bird with colorful markings in the 1990’s at the Huntington gardens and felt quite privileged to site this bird that we have always associated with Asia and tropical environments. What we hadn’t realized was that the Bulbul was a common resident of the park in the 1970’s and 80’s and was on the A list as a non-indigenous species and destined for eradication. Thankfully sufficient public and birder opposition resulted in the suspension of this policy and now we enjoy this cheery musical creature in our own neighborhood.

bulbuls in hollywood.jpg

I had a great deal of fun reading about the bird’s diet and habitat on Wikipedia and as a result know this passerine bird to be a fugivore. For those unfamiliar with these terms they simply mean that this is a bird that likes to perch and lives on a fruit diet. As a frugivore it makes sense that the Bulbul now thrives in Florida and southern California where fruit is abundant.
While the Bulbul is named for its small red-whiskers the males back crest and red abdominal feathers are much easier to spot as can be seen here. Like all passerines the Bulbul has three toes that point forward and one pointing back which makes perching an easy task.
If you are looking for a less flighty bird and one that you would like to use as a cabinet pull then consider the swallow pull or if you are searching for a wall statement check out our bronze jay bird.

To read more about the Bulbul’s near eradication please the article by Mary Barker

For those seeking to improve their ornithological knowledge or looking for words for Scrabble Wikipedia is great resource.

Custom Appliance Pull

We have now completed the custom Willow Appliance pull as can be seen from the photos here.
The custom pull was created by joining the right and left Willow cabinet handles to create the desired length of 17”. The length of the pull and shape of the sprig were perfectly suited to create this new item without our needing to substantially redesign the sprig and without the need to create a new pattern or mold. As discussed in an earlier post (Jan 16,2020) the new pull was created by melding and tooling 2 wax sprigs to create a single piece that was then shelled with several coats of a silica slurry before being fired to create a rigid shell.We cast these pieces in silicon bronze and then finished them in 3 different ways. The first photo below shows the effect achieved by finely buffing the bronze with successive grits of sanding compound. The deep undercuts created by the willow leaves create a shadow that adds subtle depth to the finished piece.

For a more dramatic pewter look we finished one piece using a full strength black oxide and gently removed a little of the solution around the edges of the leaves to create a very soft bronze glow, you will need to zoom into the second photo to understand what I mean.
For maximum contrast we finished the third piece with bold contrasting bands of black oxide that we removed in adjacent areas to create a striated piece.

Insect Art Completed Work

Martin has now completed all 18 insect panels for our front door which will be hung soon following some minor repairs to the door which we suspect may be close to a 100 years old.

Continuing from my earlier post, the panels once gilded were sealed with a clear semi-gloss lacquer and the outline of the insects body and eyes were darkened with a glaze made from mixing a  black UTC with a naphtha-like solvent which was applied with an extremely fine brush. Naphtha is a fast drying solvent and when mixed with oil based pigmented UTC’s dries very rapidly allowing successive layers of color to be built up. Each layer of colored glaze needs to be firmly sealed with a coat of lacquer before the next glaze is applied.

As the UTC pigments are essentially suspended in oil they are translucent and this allows the gold leaf to shine through creating an overall sense of iridescence.

Martin created the different glazes using the following UTC (Universal Coloring Tints) made by Chroma-Chem and typically only available through wholesales paint suppliers.

Green – Thalo Blue (824-7209) mixed with Light Yellow (824-2511)

Orange – Toluidine Red ( 824-0705) mixed with Light Yellow (824-2511)

Lamp Black – 824-9946

Titanium White – 824-0082

Once the panels were deemed complete Martin applied two final coats of semi-gloss lacquer to protect and seal the panels. The panels will be attached to the door with small round brass screws one in each corner.

While we do intend to be using these designs in forthcoming art pieces for those wanting to add a bug or two now  to that special cabinet or room please do check out our animal and insect bronze cabinet pulls.

Insect art;animal cabinet pulls;insect cabinet pulls;custom cabinet knobs and pulls;


Swallow Cabinet Pulls

The Barn swallow is the most widespread species of swallow and one we should be seeing soon in Los Angeles as they migrate north from South America. In the summer months Barn swallows can be seen in England when they make the long journey from sub saharan Africa. While the tail lengths and tail symmetry may vary slightly between these 2 types of Barn swallow, they share the same distinctive forked tail and body shape. The Barn swallow is insectivorous consuming insects on the wing as it flies in a darting agile manner scooping up bugs in its pathway. Growing up in England and then migrating to Los Angles has given us the opportunity to see both varieties of Barn swallow.

The swallow was, not surprisingly, the inspiration for Martin’s first bird pull created over 18 years ago and with it he sought to capture the grace and agility of its flying technique.
After making the swallow pull Martin was commissioned to make an original toy chest and was able to integrate the swallow both as a painted bird and sculpture in a scene of 4 swirling swallows.
The toy chest was made from cherry wood and the 3 painted swallows were created using the Japanning technique to create a slightly raised body in casein which was then gilt with white gold and colored with translucent pigmented glazes.

The swallow pull is one of our most popular cabinet pulls and we are currently completing an order for a flock of 9 birds. To accentuate the wing and tail feathers we applied a more concentrated patina to the body and head of the swallow but burnished the feathers making them brighter in contrast.