st dizier design

Fun projects at Martin Pierce Hardware

We always enjoy working with designers and showrooms on their custom requests.  They often take our furniture pieces and tweak them just a bit to meet their client's needs. Currently we are working on "tweaking" five of our Hedgerow bar chairs that will ultimately reside in Hawaii--lucky bar chairs!  Through the wonderful showroom of Gaul Searson, designer Jacques St.Dizier of St. Dizier Design has also ordered two of our Seicho beds for the same project;  but we will be replacing the tamo normally used in the design with fabric.  One of the beds will be upholstered with Kalahari, an animal print by Peter Fasano, and the other bed will receive a Manual Canovas animal print appropriately named Safari.

The very talented showroom is Gaul Searson, whom we have written about before.  They are masters at coordinating furniture and fabric.  And we have worked with Jacques on several projects spanning a period of over ten years.  He is a marvelous designer to work with and truly understands how to customize  our different styles to give the client something special.

 The light colored and yellowish wood seen on the headboard and footboard of our Seicho Bed is a Japanese wood called Tamo, and is being replaced with fabric for these custom bed orders.

martin pierce seicho bed

 One of our most popular furniture styles, the Hedgerow barstool has a swivel seat for comfort and versatility.

Hedgerow barstool

To discuss your custom furniture request and to view our entire collection of bespoke architectural hardware, please visit our site at