chelsea flower show

Inspiration from the Chelsea Garden Show

RHS Chelsea flower show For one week every May the RHS Chelsea Garden Show is the place to see and be seen for garden enthusiasts.  This year the event is scheduled for May 19-23 2015.  While no longer the largest garden show in the UK, it is considered by some to still be the most prestigious.

If you follow this blog then you are already aware of the inspiration Martin finds in flowers and other foliage for his custom hardware designs.  In fact, the hardware piece that started it all, our Hedgerow collection, was fashioned after the trees and shrubs that reminded Martin of his childhood in England.

Hedgerow Collection from Martin Pierce Hardware Los Angeles CA  90016

Do you see any similarities between our hardware and the "real" thing?

Dogwood blooms at the Chelsea Garden Show 2014

Daisy pull from Flora collection

Daisy pull from Martin Pierce Hardware Los Angeles California

The Topiarist Garden from the Chelsea Garden Show

Sycamore leaf pull from Flora collection of architectural hardware by Martin Pierce Hardware.

sycamore leaf pull available at Martin Pierce Hardware

What garden shows will you be attending this year?

To view our entire collection of custom hardware please visit our site at www.martin

Designers please stop by our showroom at:

5433 W. Washington Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90016

Telephone: 323 939 5929