Conservatory door handles

Creative Ideas For A Sunroom - How to Make Cabinet Pulls Work for French Doors

A tropical plant and bee enthusiast reached out to me recently to see if we had any ideas for handles for her sunroom doors. The customer was on a limited budget and did not need or want operating door handles and had been looking at our “dummy” Netsuke bee and frog knobs. While both would have worked for her pair of French doors, she really wanted to use a plant motif as a bridge between her more formal living room and the more rustic casual sunroom it looked onto.

While cabinet pulls are by their function scaled for smaller doors and drawers some of our Hedgerow, Willow and Orchid designs are grander in scale and can work equally well as door pulls. The Hedgerow pull is a very stylized tree design vertical in direction and available as a left or right pull


Scale of Trees Allows them to work equally well as door or cabinet pulls

Scale of Trees Allows them to work equally well as door or cabinet pulls

The orchid pull as has been detailed in other posts is a piece that is highly adaptive and can be used as a vertical or horizontal pull with a left or right sweep and as a custom order is available as either a left or right 90 degree pull that  is mounted to both door the stile and rail.


These pieces could have worked well as door pulls but the client had a  fondness for her large fern plant and shared an image she had of this very majestic fern tree. My curiosity was piqued and following a Google search I discovered that this tropical fern tree with its emerald green ferns and beautiful curled fronds was a native of New South Wales and Queensland.  Inspired by what I found I reviewed our fern cabinet pulls and by making some minor adjustments to the frond ends and by configuring them as pairs suggested that they could be as either vertical or horizontal door pulls as depicted here.